Cranial Sacral Therapy
The cranial sacral systems consists of the membranes and fluid that surround the brain and spinal cord. It extends from the bones of the skull, face and mouth to the sacrum at the base of the spine. The cranial rhythm within this system ebbs and flows much like the motion of the tides.
Imbalances or interferences in this rhythm may be involved in any manner of dis-ease and can be balanced or cleared with the gentle holding of the cranial bones and connective tissues.
The subtle practice of Cranial Sacral Therapy is created by communication through touch, intuition, reverence and respect. Academic learning of the cranial sacral anatomy combined with the humble ‘listening’ to the body’s cranial sacral rhythm assist the body’s self-corrective mechanisms to heal. Ease of restriction and improved function are experienced, sometimes even after one session.
Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing of Body, Mind and Spirit. Ki is the life force energy that animates all living things (the equivalent to Chi in Chinese). Ki gives life to every bone, muscle, tissue and cell of your body. The free and balanced flow of Ki is the cause of health. You are vulnerable to illness if your life energy is low or the flow is restricted.
Reiki accelerates the body’s natural ability to heal physical ailments. Reiki loosens blocked energy and allows the body to reestablish its natural equilibrium.
Reiki can provide a deep sense of relaxation, reduce stress, accelerate healing, facilitate the relief of pain, work with original cause, assist the body in releasing toxins, and release energetic and emotional blocks.
Intuitive Massage
Using my skills as a Cranial Sacral Therapist and with the trust and permission of the client, I also work on parts of the body outside of the cranial sacral system.
Gentle touch on muscle, tissue, bone, nerves and viscera allow the body to communicate its needs through expressing tension, ease, flow or stagnancy. Pressure is increased, decreased or redirected following intuitive responses with the body to facilitate release and renewed mobility.
Clients have experienced relief from inflamed muscles, pinched nerves, sprains and even wasp bites.
Future training in Osteopathy is planned for spring 2024 to increase my learning of full body anatomy.